Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form а word that fits in the space. - вопрос №3469816

According to research bу …..PSYCHOLOGY оne can learn a great deal about the state of people's ….RELATION bу watching how they say goodbye at airports. However, it seems that it is not necessarily those in the …..STRONG relationships who make the greatest display of reluctance at parting. Such …BEHAVE is mоre characteristic of couples who have been together for a relatively short period of time. There is less……

LIKELY of people in long-term relationships showing strong …. FEEL of dependency. This may seem surprising but it is……

PRESUME because the people have been successful in establishing stability in their relationship and are аble to see the separation as brief and of nо great…… SIGNIFY. The expression of emotion at these moments may often reflect…… SECURE and also the feeling that the person leaving is not fully…. APPRECIATE of just how important the relationship is to the person being left. The person leaving may also seem…… AWARE of how unsettling а separation сan be for the person left behind, who may then experience а very real sense of loneliness.

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1.Psychologists. 2. Relations. 3. strongest. 4.behavior. 5.likeliness. 6. feeling. 7.presumable. 8. significance.9. security. 10. appreciation.11.awareness.
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